Charles Farrelly & Anne Dalton |
Patrick Farrelly was a Dublin farmer born in Mullagh, County Cavan, Ireland in 1790. He married Jane Cassidy in 1803. When Patrick died in 1840 the family immigrated to Australia. They were sponsored by AB Smith & Co, leaving Dublin for Liverpool where they boarded the ship ‘Margaret’ in 1840. The cost of each sibling was £19. The Roman Catholic Farrelly family were natives of St Paul’s Dublin and all the siblings were able to read and write. Michael, 28, was listed as an unmarried agricultural labourer, John, 27, an unmarried shepherd, Charles, 22, and Patrick, 20, were also listed as unmarried shepherds. Catherine 19, and Ann, 16, were listed as a nursery governess under the protection of their mother. They arrived at Newcastle 28/3/1841.
On 18th December 1864 Charles and his brother Patrick bought two blocks of land at Carcoar in the Yarraman area on Yarraman Creek. They called their property 'The Curragh'*. This land was later identified as Portions 1 and 2, Parish of Yarraman. Charles drove the mail coach between Binda and Bigga.
The Greville Post Office Directory 1872 lists Patrick Farrelly and Charles Farrelly as sheep farmers at Yarraman Creek, Tuena. Michael Farrelly is listed as a nurse at the Gladesville Hospital for Insane.
In July 1878 Patrick increased his holdings both to the north and south by purchasing the area known as the ‘Bottom Yarraman’. Documents have been found to suggest that Charles and two of his brothers Patrick and Michael remained in very close contact despite the distance between their residences. Patrick died unmarried in 1898 and is buried on Yarraman.
On 26th April 1875 Charles Henry Farrelly, aged 56, married Anne Mary Dalton at ‘The Curragh’ Abercrombie River, this being the property owned by himself and his brother Patrick. Anne was age 21 and had already given birth to three of Charles’s children who were all registered in the name of Daulton. It is not known how or when Anne lost the lower portion of her left arm but her granddaughter has stated that she was able to carry out her normal household duties including sewing for her family. Anne died in 1884 when the youngest child was only 2 years old and was buried in an unmarked grave at the Trunkey Creek cemetery.
Charles sister, Catherine, died aged 33 unmarried, and sister Ann died aged 25, also unmarried. In 1906 they were reinterred from Devonshire Street Cemetery to Bunnerong Cemetery. Their mother, Jane Farrelly, died in 1867 at 50 Prince Street Sydney, she was aged 80. Her son Michael was the informant and witness. Michael was a clerk in Sydney and never married. His brother Charles was present when he died in Sydney in 1882 and was buried in the Devonshire Street Cemetery; his remains were later moved to the Botany area cemetery when Central Railway Station was built.
Both Farrelly brothers died intestate; Patrick in September 1897 and Charles in March 1898. ‘The Curragh’ and surrounding lands were leased in 1904 to the Commercial Banking Company for £500. Fredrick Merlin Hill later purchased the Yarraman holdings. During the 1920s and 30’s the property employed many workers who later became prominent names in the district. In 1964 G J Webster purchased Yarraman from the Hill Estate and in 1979 ‘Oakdale,’ owned by Roland Tranter, was incorporated into Yarraman.
1871 £10 Reward - STOLEN OR STRAYED about 100 MIXED SHEEP, branded F (tar-brand) ; some with F (fire-brand) on cheek. They are also branded with the travelling T mark. The above reward will be paid, if stolen, on conviction ; or £2, if strayed, on delivery to MESSRS. FINLAY AND CO., Goulburn. FARRELLY BROTHERS, 2578 Tuena.
The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle 1871
1873 Notice - IS HEREBY given that the partnership hitherto I existing between the undersigned as stock and station holders, under the name of "FARRELLY BROTHERS,'' will be dissolved by mutual consent from and after the first day of June next, by which date all parties having claims upon the estate are requested to send in their accounts., Dated this 15th day of May, 1873, Yarraman, PATRICK FARRELLY, Tuena, CHARLES FARRELLY. Witness to signature of Patrick Farrelly A. M. BETTS. Witness. J. Cotter, 1074.
The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle 1873
1875 NEW MAGISTRATES – A supplement to the Government Gazette notifies the appointment of a number of additional magistrates, amongst whom are the following in the Goulburn district:- Charles Farrelly, Curragh, near Tuena.
The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle 1875
1876 POLICE COURT - HORSE STEALING. Patrick Daulton, under remand, appeared charged as above. Constable Mathieson deposed : I took the prisoner to where the stolen horse is kept in the police yard this morning, the prosecutor in this case (Mr. Farrelly) being present ; I asked prisoner if he claimed the horse described in my previous evidence ; he said that he did, and that he got him from “Jane, his sister” ; Mr. Farrelly claimed the horse as his property, and said that Mrs. Farrelly had no right to give the horse away. Charles Farrelly deposed : I am a magistrate of the colony, and reside at Curragh station near Trunkey ; previous to the 5th March last prisoner was in my employment as a boundary rider ; the bay gelding which I charge him with stealing is branded S over IS on near shoulder, JJ on near neck, FD on off shoulder, SI on near cheek ; I have seen the horse in question this morning in the police yard, and identify it as my property; I last saw the animal on the 4th of last month, and missed him about two or three days afterwards ; I value the horse at about £8 ; the prisoner and his mother were staying on a sheep station of mine about the time I missed the horse ; I have never given the animal away, nor have I authorised any person to do so : I am the person referred to by prisoner ; his sister cannot write, so that the letter produced to constable Mathieson in the lock-up could not have been written by her ; l do not believe Mrs. Farrelly would sanction the writing of such a letter. To the Bench : I never asked Mrs. Farrelly if she had given away the horse to prisoner ; Mrs. Farrelly knew that prisoner was in custody for stealing the horse, and that I was coming here to give evidence, but she never said anything to me to the effect that she had given the horse to the prisoner. The prisoner was committed to take his trial at the next Court of Quarter Sessions, to be holden at Bathurst on the 8th December next. Bail allowed ; prisoner in £40, and two sureties in £20 each.
The Grenfell Record and Lachlan District Advertiser 1876
1878 TUENA AND DISTRICT - On Friday last our monthly court of petty-sessions was held. T. A. Smith Esq. P.M., James Hall, and Charles Farrelly Esqs. were on the bench. Roland Tranter appeared to answer a charge preferred against him by Patrick Farrelly for threatening to put him behind the fire and burn his house down. The evidence of complainant went to show that he had made a selection near defendant's which aroused his ire, hence arose the threat; but as the complainant only sought the restraint of the accused, he was bound over to keep the peace for six months - himself in £100 and two sureties in £50 each. The requisite bondsmen (Mr. G. McGuiness and a Mr. Samuel Blackman) being present, the bond was entered into.
The Goulburn Herald and Chronicle 1878
1881 NEW INSOLVENTS – Charles Farrelly of Trunkey Creek, grazier, out of business. Liabilities, £301 13s, Assets £15. Mr Lyons, official assignee.
The Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser 1881
1885 SHEEP-STEALING - Percival Morgan (on bail) was charged with having on the 2nd September, at Yarraman, near Tuena, stolen and received 4 sheep, 4 ewes and 4 lambs the property of Patrick Farrelly. Prisoner pleaded not guilty, and was defended by Mr. Betts. The opening of the case went to show that the accused was son of a man living at Laggan, and he sometimes got a few sheep together and took them to his father's place ; Once, in, taking 50 sheep, it was alleged he picked .. up 4 sheep and took them on, until prevented by the police. The defence was that the sheep got boxed amongst prisoner's. The question for the jury to decide was whether, he took the sheep on with unlawful intent. Patrick Farrelly identified 4 sheep which were outside the court, by the ear mark, as his property ; he did not know the prisoner, and never saw him near his (Farrelly's) place. The cross-examination of Farrelly and the evidence of other witnesses showed plainly that all the sheep in the neighbourhood were constantly getting mixed, and scarcely anything in support of the charge was elicited. His Honor, remarked that it would be well to know who should bear the cost in such cases. A person's sheep got astray through gross negligence and then there was a criminal action and the country had to pay for it. Several other witnesses having been examined (a police constable included), his Honor said he felt sorry that he had allowed the case to proceed on such a charge. The most that could be out was a certain degree of suspicion. It was no case to go to a jury, and on his own responsibility he would ask the jury to acquit the prisoner. A verdict of not guilty was accordingly returned, and the prisoner discharge.
Southern Argus 1885
1892 TUENA, Friday - An inquest was held at Yarraman station, near Tuena, by Mr. T. A. Smith, P.M., coroner, touching the origin of the fire which totally destroyed Mr. P. Farrelly's hayshed and contents, also his woolshed, on the morning of the 23rd February. Much evidence was taken, and the jury returned a verdict of incendiarism against some persons unknown.
Sydney Morning Herald 1892
1898 In the Intestate Estate of Patrick Farrelly - LATE OF YARRAMAN STATION, NEAR TUENA. WE have been favored with instructions from the Curator of Intestate Estates to sell by public auction at the latter END OF APRIL NEXT, The Property known as Yarraman Station! About 10 Miles from Tuena, Consisting of— 320 Acres Freehold, 8662 Acres O.P., 3201 Acres C.L., and 3933 Acres Annual Lease, together with Stock : 2800 Sheep (more or less), 28 Cattle, 7 Horses, Farming and Station Implements, Shearing Shed and Wool Press. Full particulars can be supplied by the Curator of Intestates in Sydney, or by the undersigned. The date of Sale and further particulars will be advertised in a later issue. JOHN W. FOX & SON Auctioneers, &c., Carcoar.
National Advocate 1898
1898 Carcoar, Thursday - Yarraman station, the property of the late Patrick Farrelly, was offered at auction to-day by the Curator of Intestate Estates. The only bid was £1800, and there was no sale.
Goulburn Evening Penny Post 1898
1906 BIGGA WEDDING - Miss Emily Hearne, third daughter of Mr. Charles Hearne, of Pine Gully, was married on Wednesday last to Mr. Charles Farrelly, oldest son of the late Mr. Charles Farrelly, of Markdale. The bride, who was given away by her father, was attired in a pretty costume of cream silk voille, and wore the customary wreath and veil. The bridesmaid, Miss Annie Hearne, wore cream voile. The bride's brother acted as best man. The Rev. Mr. Williams officiated at the ceremony.
Goulburn Evening Penny Post 1906
1941 OBITUARY – Mr Edward Patrick Farrelly, 71, died in the Dubbo District Hospital last night after a short illness. Deceased was born at Barry, near Blayney, and married Mabel Mary Farrell at Cumnock. He came to Dubbo 14 years ago and conducted a property known as Box Flat on the Obley Road. His widow survives, together with the following family, Keith, James, Edward, Archie, Leonard, Mrs F Orth, Mrs P O’Farrell, Mrs M O’Farrell and Miss Dorothy Farrelly, all of Dubbo. The funeral took place in the Catholic portion of the Dubbo Cemetery this afternoon. The Rev. Father Kelly officiated at the service and graveside. CJ Shakespeare and Sons conducted the funeral.
The Dubbo Liberal and Macquarie Advocate 1941
1945 OBITUARY. MR. CHARLES FARRELLY - A link with the earlier life of the Bigga and Crookwell districts was severed with the passing of Mr. Charles Henry Farrelly, whose death occurred at the District. Hospital on Thursday, April 26th. The late Mr. Farrelly, who was the son of the late Charles Farrelly (who came to this country from Ireland as a young man) was born at "Yarraman" Station, which was at that time owned by the Farrelly family. The greater part of his life — he was in his seventy-fifth year — was spent in the Bigga district and his chief interest was the blood horse, many of which he successfully trained for country meetings. He was acknowledged a first-rate horse-man. He had the distinction of preparing the winner of the Cup at the big "Back to Crookwell" race meeting in 1826, the horse (which he then held on lease) being Fortequest. For about ten years he ran the mail coach between Crookwell and Bigga, relinquishing at about the time when the last war ended and the horses were superseded by a motor van. On that job, as well as in his association with racehorses he made many contacts and many friends. The late Mr. Farrelly took a keen interest in politics and was a foundation member of the local Labour League. It is about twenty years since the late Charlie Farrelly with his family took up residence in Crookwell, where he undertook casual work, notably gardening jobs. His wife, who survives him, was formerly Miss Emily Hearn, daughter of the late Charles Hearn, of "Pine Gully," Bigga. There were five daughters and two sons of the union, all of whom survive with the exception of one son, "W. H. (Stan), who was killed in action at El Alamein in 1942. The other son, Charles, is still serving with the A.I. F. Daughters are: Amy (Mrs. Reuben Gay, of Crookwell), Myra (Mrs. Mc-Brain, of Drummoyne), Molly (Mrs. Geo. Stephenson, of Crookwell), Eva (Mrs. Joe Gay, of Grabben Gullen) and Vera (who is serving with the W.A.A.A.F.) The funeral took place last Saturday afternoon, leaving St. Bartholomew's Church, where the first part of the service was conducted by the Rev. Canon Nell (who also officiated at the graveside). The remains were interred in the Church of England section of the Crookwell Cemetery in the presence of a large number of people. Many floral tributes were in evidence and amongst them were noted those from the following: Wife and Vera; Amy, Reub and family; Myra, Mack and Carmel; Molly, Geo and twins; Eva, Joe and family; Millie and Charlie; Len and Mrs. Foxton and family; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hanley; Mr. and Mrs. Moreton McDonald and George; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stephenson and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. Brown and Robert ; Edna, Wal and Garry; Mr. and Mrs, A. Baker and family; Crookwell Branch, A.L.P.; Bill and Mrs. Evans; Eileen, Mick, Mona, Bill and Sam; Auntie Jessie and family: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Robbie and family: Sid, Beat and family; J. L. Turner and family; Mrs. H. Clements; W. Warn and family; Mr. and Mrs. E.. Rumble, Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Bassingth-waighte and family; Mrs. Gay, and Vera; Ettie, Molly and. Ken; Mr. and Mrs. Walton and family; L. R. and R. M. Carey and families; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Nicholls and Georgette; Rob, Jack and Olga Wilson; Mr. and Mrs. E. Graham and family; all at Clifford's Creek, Laggan; Searl and Roddom families; Mrs. Williams and Mary; Una and W. E. Parker; Ern, Mrs. Whittington and Carl; J. D. and Mrs. Marks and Amy; Mr. and Mrs. B. Copeland and Noel; Mac, family and Kassie; Mr. and Mrs Geo. Psaltis; Mr. and Mrs. Campbell and family: Harry, Max and Rene Elvins; Vera, Col and Bill;, Harry and family: R.S.S. and A.I.L.A. (Crookwell Sub-branch): T. Hopkins; Merv. and Evie; Jim, Vera, John and Beth: Con, Harry and Eric Plumb; J. Tucker and family, Mac and Kass; Walter and Marie and Rodney Poll; Mr. and Mrs. W. Bingham and family; Fred, Mrs. Aldridge and family; Les, Mrs. Emery and Joy; Stan, Mrs. Maber, Joyce and Bill; Crookwell Branch, Red Cross Society; the Logan family; Mr and Mrs. Langlois and family ; Mr. and Mrs. O. Whittaker and family; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stephenson and family; Percy Parker and family; Albert, Mrs. Whittaker and family; Edna and Max; Elsie and Selby, Mother and Flo; Ernie Woodward. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. T. E. Kennedy.
Crookwell Gazette 1945
1952 MRS. M. M. FARRELLY - Mrs. Mabel Mary Farrelly, aged 59, of 'Box Flat,' Obley Road, died suddenly on Sunday Mrs. Farrelly was the widow of the late Mr. Edward Patrick Farrelly, who died in 1941. She had lived at 'Box Flat' for many years. She is survived by four daughters, Evelyn (Mrs. Orth, of Dubbo); Pauline (Mrs. O'Farrell, of Obley Road); Merle (Mrs. O'Farrell, of Obley Road); Dorothy, of Dubbo: and four sons, Leonard, Archie and Roy13, of 'Box Flat,' and Keith, of Balladoran. The funeral left St. Brigid's Church at 4.30 pm yesterday for the Roman Catholic portion of the Dubbo cemetery. The Rev Father T. English officiated. Messrs. C. J. Shakespeare and Sons were in charge of funeral arrangements.
The Dubbo Liberal and Macquarie Advocate 1952
1952 OBITUARY MR. M. FARRELLY - After a long illness, Mr. Michael Farrelly, died, at his residence in Macleay Street last night at the age of 70 years. Born at Carcoar, he married Miss Elsie Eileen Sutherland at Byrock. For many years he was employed as a bridge carpenter in the Railway department. He retired from this position nine years ago. He is survived by his wife and the following family: Beryl (Mrs. B. Greiff), Kathleen (Mrs. Hazlewood), Bernard of Sydney, Eileen, Joan, Michael and Roger, of Dubbo. The funeral will leave St. Bridget’s Church tomorrow at 10.30 a.m. for the Catholic portion of the cemetery. Messrs. C. J. Shakespeare and Sons were in charge of funeral arrangements.
The Dubbo Liberal and Macquarie Advocate 1952
1953 DEATH - Miss Elsie Eileen Farrelly, 50, of Dubbo, mother of Eileen (Mrs. Cashell), of Wellington, died suddenly on Saturday morning. Mrs. Farrelly was born in Gilgandra and had lived in Dubbo for many years. She was married at Byrock to Mr. Michael Farrelly, who died 18 months ago. She is survived by three sons and three daughters. The funeral left the North Dubbo Catholic Church on Sunday afternoon for the Dubbo cemetery. The Rev. Father Connaughton officiated.
Wellington Times 1953
1953 OBITUARY LATE EMILY FARRELLY - Following a prolonged Illness which extended over three years, Mrs. Emily Farrelly, of Cowper Street, Crookwell, passed to her eternal reward at the District Hospital on the morning of December 17 at the age of 74 years. The deceased lady suffered a stroke some three years ago and bad been bedridden from then until the time of her demise. During this period she enjoyed the constant and loving care, of her youngest daughter and remained remarkably cheerful and interesting. For some weeks before her passing, the late Mrs. Farrelly was a patient in the District Hospital where her condition gradually deteriorated and her demise was not at all unexpected. Born at Bigga, the deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hearn and in 1906 she married Charles Stanley Farrelly at Bigga. The young couple established their home at Bigga and reared a family of five girls, and two boys. Together with their family they moved from Bigga to Crookwell some 28 years ago and the deceased lady had remained a resident of this town since that time. The youngest son, Stanley, was killed in action In Egypt in 1912 during the battle of El Alemain and the late Mrs. Farrelly was widowed seven years ago. Surviving to mourn the loss of a devoted mother is one son, Charles, of Lewisham, and five daughters — Amy (Mrs. R. Gay, of Crookwell), Mrs. Macbrayne, of Merrylands, Mrs. Geo. Stephenson, of Crookwell, Mrs. Joe Gay, of Grabben Gullen, and Vera, of Crookwell. Following a service In St. Bartholomew's Church, the cortege moved to the Crookwell Cemetery where interment took place in the presence of a large gathering of mourners. Messrs. Reub. and Joe Gay, Chas. Farrelly and Chas. Hudd acted as pall-bearers and the funeral arrangements were in the hands of Messrs. T. E. Kennedy & Son. The wealth of floral tributes was eloquent evidence of the high esteem in which the deceased lady was held throughout the Crookwell and Bigga districts.
Crookwell Gazette 1953
Bon Farrelly 1917-1943
1977 MEMORY OF A WAR HERO BON FARRELLY – It was 1942 when I had put my age up four years from 14 to 18 to enlist in the Second AIF. Dubbo was my first major training camp. After eight months training at Dubbo I was drafted north to be sent into action with a Victorian infantry battalion on the Owen Stanley Rangers. While so young and in uniform, I became good mates with a couple of local residents of Dubbo, who were training with me. One was Pte Patrick Eagen and the other Bon Farrelly [825] of Obley Road Dubbo. Since those long years of memories of Dubbo, I have on a couple of occasions passed through Dubbo. Bon Farrelly went to New Guinea in a different naval convoy but we met up again just prior to going into action in the mountains between Wau and Salamaua. Bon was killed by sniper fire only a few short months after we went into action. In recent years I have located the Farrelly family and found some still living in the same old homestead land where I first knew Bon. But I have been told by Bon’s sister, Mrs D Strong, that the original house had burned down (see page123). Mrs Strong came to Melbourne a couple of years ago and I took her to St Brigid’s Catholic Church, Mordialloc, where a memorial stained glass window adorns the entrance. It displays the 9,000ft high mountains which Bon Farrelly and our battalion crossed with 30Ib packs on our aching backs to confront the enemy. I would like to present the Dubbo city library with a book about the history of the 58/59th Australian Infantry Battalion of which my dear pal Bon gave his life. Dubbo lost a great hero but has gained a living memory of Bon and other war heroes who enlisted from the nicest western town in NSW. The civilian population were well mannered and hospitable people. I am 53 and now retired. I suffer a number of accepted war disabilities and depend upon my war pension. I would like to thank Dubbo for the fond and loving memories of a town of heroes and wonderful people.
W H Roche VIC, Daily Liberal c1977
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Stained Glass, St Brigid's Church Mordialloc VIC |
*The Curragh (Irish An Currach) is a flat open plain of almost 5,000 acres (20 km²) of common land in County Kildare, Ireland, between Newbridge and Kildare.